
From the Constitution Bylaws: Section 7. Awards.

(a) TAIR Outstanding Service Award. The TAIR Outstanding Service Award shall be presented to members who have made a significant contribution to TAIR over an extended period of time. A nominee for the Outstanding Service Award must have been a TAIR member for at least five years and not a member of, nor a candidate for, the Executive Committee during the year nominated. In addition, the Nominee must meet at least three of the four following criteria. The candidate has:
(1) been a member of the TAIR Executive Committee, served on Program Committees, been appointed by the President to serve on committees or in positions of responsibility consistent with those in Section 6 of the Bylaws;
(2) presented contributed sessions at TAIR conferences;
(3) organized, offered, or acted as a primary presenter in workshops or panels at TAIR conferences;
(4) contributed in some other specific and significant ways that have advanced the purposes of TAIR.

Outstanding Service Award Recipients

David Brown, 2025, Tyler Junior College
G. Marc Turner, 2024, Texas State University

Teresa Isbell, 2023, Texas A&M University College of Medicine
Mary Barton, 2022, University of North Texas
Marcelo Paredes, 2022, UT-Pan American
Darline Morris, 2022, Texas State Technical College
Tracy Stegmair, 2022, Texas Women’s University
Susan Thompson, 2022, Texas State University
Joe Meyer, 2022, Texas State University
Faron Kincheloe, 2021, Baylor University
Ruben Garcia, 2015, Texas Workforce Commission
Marilyn Greer, 2013, MD Anderson Cancer Center
Verna Dewees, 2010, Texas A&M University
Karen Laljiani, 2009, El Centro College
Susan Griffith, 2006, UT-Pan American
Jana Marak, 2005, Baylor University
Tom Martin, 2003, Collin County Community College
Tom Bohannon, 2002, Baylor University
Vickie C. Natale, 2000, Del Mar College
Glenn W. James, 2000, Baylor University
Stanley Adelman, 1999, Amarillo College
Marsha K. Moss, 1996, University of Texas – Austin
Todd S. Hutton, 1993, Willamette University

Emeritus Members

Glenn James
Stan Adelman
Maryann Ruddock Brown
Verna Dewees
David Downing
Soon Flynn
Marilyn Greer
Susan Griffith
Lisa Haynes
Sue Herring
Karen Lalijiani
Darline Morris
Vickie Natale
Trish Norman
Jerrold Schott
Leona Urbish
Susan Thompson