TAIR Membership

TAIR Membership

A one-year membership in the Texas Association for Institutional Research (TAIR) is included in the price of registration for the annual conference. If you are not a conference attendee, annual membership dues are $50. You will have the option to pay only membership dues on the conference registration site during the time when registration is open. During other times of the year you may still visit the registration web site to pay your annual membership dues. Dues may be paid by credit card, check, or purchase order. Please review the TAIR Constitution and Bylaws (PDF).

Benefits of membership in the Texas Association for Institutional Research include:

  • Access to a network of over 200+ Institutional Researchers
  • The TAIR Listserv – a mailing list for Institutional Research information, questions, and answers
  • Access to the Annual TAIR conference
  • Access to Annual TAIR workshops
  • Access to TAIR Professional Development


Click here to register as a TAIR Member!